ROBOCART: A self-navigating shopping cart for the supermarket
The ROBOCART project developed a fully-automatic simulated supermarket cart, named ROBOCART (tracker), to provide customers with a hands-free shopping experience …
Particle Filter Based Localization
In the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, the primary task is to determine the mobile robot’s location. Several methods can be used for mobile robot localization …
Industrial Robotics
ROS MoveIt/CoppeliaSim interaction
A project that consisted in the implementation of ROS with existing industry 4.0 equipment, including the UR5e and some workcells, performing multiple simulations …
Flexible Robotics Assembling Workcell
Programming a flexible workcell using the MRL programming language. By receiving a different input a different output for the Robot was generated …
Industrial Automation
Milk Bottling Line
Designed and implemented an automated milk bottling system that utilizes a conveyor belt to move a set of three bottles through various stages of the production process …
Pick & Place (FactoryIO)
This is a simulation of a workcell focusing on moving pieces from one conveyor belt to another one using FactoryIO’s Function Block Diagram (FBD) …
Pick & Place XYZ
A simulation of a workcell focusing on stacking boxes on groups 3 in a pallet using FactoryIO’s Function Block Diagram (FBD), the cell contains a pick & place actuator with 3 axis and a analog configuration …
Assembly line
A simulation of a workcell focusing on assembling a lid and a base. The conveyor bands work in an asynchronous manner, the cell was programmed both with FactoryIO FBD and with the LOGO! FBD …
Text to Speech Book Reader with Custom Training voices
Application with computer generated voices that sound more human using trained neural networks and sending the data from the books in real time to generate the AudioBooks …
Crypto Market Arbitrage
Market arbitrage is a financial strategy that involves taking advantage of pricing discrepancies in different markets. The aim is finding discrepancies in crypto markets using scripts, to see the times when profit is achievable …
Thermal Segmentation (In Progress)
OpenGL Portfolio
Using OpenGL on C for creating graphics, and developing some animations …
Mandible 3D scan and print
Using tomography aiming to create a three-dimensional model of a jaw, in order to help dentists perform dental surgeries before carrying them out on real patients, in addition to an analysis of jaw prostheses …
Eye tracking and hand movement analysis (In progress)
Mastering the art of eye-hand coordination is key to excelling in a wide range of activities that demand precision. Analysing eye movement and tracking motor coordination research opens many scientific and engineering applications …
Visuomotor coordination for object tracking at different acceleration (In progress)
Crankshaft Analysis
It is desired to make a frequencies study of a crankshaft made of AISI 304 material and how different torsions and centrifugal forces affect the deformation of parts with their resonant frequencies …
Brick Making Machine
A machine was simulated and build to enable the making of eco-bricks …
Lego Car CAD
Built a Lego cart in Creo Parametric. Achieved a good assembly with the pieces so they do not interfere with each other. The model measurements should be the same as the real model …