Pick & Place XYZ

This is a simulation of a workcell focusing on stacking boxes on groups 3 in a pallet. One of the actuators used in the workcell is a pick & place actuator with 3 axis and a analog configuration, that’s the challenge of this workcell. The project was done using FactoryIO’s Function Block Diagram (FBD). The main purpose of this team project was managing multiple bands counters and sensors at the same time and the analog actuators in a combinational system of Industrial Automation.

This is a simulation of a workcell focusing on stacking boxes on groups 3 in a pallet. One of the actuators used in the workcell is a pick & place actuator with 3 axis and a analog configuration, that’s the challenge of this workcell. The project was done using FactoryIO’s Function Block Diagram (FBD). The main purpose of this team project was managing multiple bands counters and sensors at the same time and the analog actuators in a combinational system of Industrial Automation.

Connections Diagram

Actuators Diagram

Movement Diagram

FBD Inputs and Outputs from the scene