Geneva Paper Cutting Machine.

Mechanisms Design Class project

Mechanisms Design Class project


Designing a mechanism using simple machines.

Piece Design



The Geneva mechanism is a special type of gear that helps to divide complete rotations into steps of a rotation, depending on the radius of the moving rod and its speed. A next step for the development of mechanisms after analyzing their functionality is to analyze their resistance to forces, and the deformations that these can present. Future steps in the elaboration of a mechanism include the analysis of similar mechanisms, the study of possible improvements to be made to the mechanisms, friction calculation and analysis of materials. The design of a two-dimensional mechanism has some complications, but they are all solved by using simple geometric figures. The design of a three-dimensional mechanism can be simplified by dividing the parts into small two-dimensional designs, in the case of a three-dimensional mechanism without simplification, the best that can be done is to try to solve the mechanism through the use of three-dimensional figures. Among the future mechanisms that he would carry out is the design of a Geneva machine for safes and a Goldberg machine that combines simple mechanisms using only one source of motion to move multiple objects.