AR with Vuforia in Unity

AR Project for the lab.

AR Project for the lab.


The idea is an application that allows scanning images of different electronic components. These components when scanned will display a 3D model of the component and a button which when pressed will start the reproduction of an audio or video explaining a little more about the component, this in order to help the career of Mechatronic Engineering in the part training and education. By having a short description of the components, students, technicians or employees of a factory or school will be able to have a better view of the elements that are being used.


The biggest challenge in the application is finding a way to interactively present the audio or video with the description of the selected component. Another challenge is to come up with a way in which multiple images can be read at the same time, as well as being able to only interactively activate 1 of the components if many images are present. Finally, modifying some scripts so that the application works properly under the expected needs.


To do this, I just create a new database with a cube in Vuforia, this cube had to present the appropriate measurements and individually put each image on each face. In Unity, only a new target is added, and the multitarget is set for the cube.

Simultaneous images

For this, in the vuforia configuration, the number of simultaneous detection is increased.


To animate a model it is necessary to enter the animation menu, select a figure and start its movements.

Touch Screen

To interact with the touch screen, you need to create scripts that use the touch input function.

Multi sound

For this it is important to create an audio matrix, which will contain the different audios that are wanted in the image.

Interactive Video

Animated Textures

For this you can add a video player to a specific figure, and make it repeat the animation over and over again, in this way you will have a continuous texture animation.

Used Models
